On the Issues


  • Continued support of Elizabethton’s Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) to bring skills and better-paying jobs for citizens of the 4th District while supporting career and technical education in high school. A skilled workforce is the anchor for recruiting new businesses to locate here.
  • A public education system devoid of liberal-sponsored initiatives that harm our children. Instead, our schools should return to the mission of educating children with the critical skills needed to be contributing members of society. This includes respecting our Constitution and love for our state and country.


  • We are blessed by conservative Republican values that have made Tennessee one of the best-run states in the nation when it comes to finances. As your representative, I am committed to steadfastly opposing any additional taxes on the families of East Tennessee.
  • I commend Governor Lee for his decisive action on the Tennessee Works Tax Act passed in 2023. This legislation has been instrumental in easing the financial strain on families in the 4th District, providing a crucial $100 relief during times of inflated grocery prices. Additionally, the act substantially reduced the tax burden on small businesses.
  • Looking ahead, should our tax base continue to demonstrate positive growth, I will endorse an extended tax holiday on groceries and other everyday goods.


  • Helping existing businesses in the 4th District to succeed and grow is my priority. Providing them with every opportunity to thrive through support from Nashville is an important objective. That includes providing those businesses with a skilled and motivated workforce through technical and college education systems in our region.
  • Tourism has great potential for job growth in the 4th District. We are truly blessed from the roaring whitewater of the Nolichucky River to the most beautiful lake in Tennessee, Watauga Lake. I will work tirelessly to support and promote our natural advantage to support tourism-related businesses and the jobs that they create.
  • Promote improved broadband and fiber service to rural communities in the 4th District. When it comes to job growth and educating our children, I will advocate and support legislation that helps utility and broadband providers to add enhanced service to enrich education, business, and job growth in the 4th District.
  • We need more support from Nashville in welcoming new industries to locate in the 4th District. With your vote, I will ask Governor Lee and the state’s economic development organization to increase emphasis on growing our tax base and new jobs by recruiting more companies to locate here. In particular, we have great opportunities in clean manufacturers of products supporting outdoor adventure.


America is in crisis. Rising crime, illegal immigration, and a drug pandemic threaten our country and the families of House District 4. For these reasons, as your next conservative Republican representative to the House of Representatives in Nashville, here is what I pledge:

  • Urge continued support for the new and important Northeast Tennessee Regional Recovery Center in Carter County. It is our best opportunity to avert those headed to jail for drug-related crimes to becoming valued members of our society by learning skills and a drug-free lifestyle. Many thanks to Judges Stacy Street and Lisa Rice, as well as local law enforcement and Governor Lee, for advocating for this fresh alternative.
  • Protect our absolute rights to protect our families through the 2nd Amendment.
  • Back Governor Lee’s efforts to keep our state and the 4th District as a welcoming home to citizens of the United States or those who have legally entered our country and applied for citizenship correctly.
  • Fight to limit the growth of the homeless population that continues to grow across America. We should support those who face and are willing to improve their life situation actively and to find alternatives to those unwilling to do so. I pledge to support efforts to keep our streets clean and threat-free.


I will support efforts that protect and nurture our natural advantage of mountain beauty. I pledge to protect our clean, pure waterways and mountains devoid of trash and suburban sprawl. Any new housing or property development regulations by the state should provide ample protections to preserve our natural beauty that makes the 4th District unique and give us breathing space amidst our natural beauty.


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